Blogging Basics

What is Blogging?

A guide to understanding the concept of blogging

Ever wonder why most all of the teens today are addicted to the internet? Well it has everything a young exploring mind needs. From browsing the net for document researches, shopping, cooking, gaming, chat, and a whole bunch of stuff going inside a website’s offer.

Yep, all of these including one secluded part of a teen’s life which is their journal. Don’t believe me? Then try hooking up on the internet now and see how much there is that is available today.

Aside from being a window for the readers to see what’s on the author’s mind, a blog lets him elaborate on facts or scribble out whatever idea that pops out his head. A blog is a simplified term for “web blog”-a new generation medium for writing articles, essays, statements and the like.

What is Blogging?It’s usually composed of texts or sometimes pictures and multimedia topics. If you’re tired of jotting down every single detail of your life’s worth on paper, why not try the new fad of journalism which is blogging. Blogging literally means sharing a comment of life through the internet.

It is an up-to-date source. A sequence of events. A timeless exhibit of creativity and style. An outlet for one’s self.
The popularity of blog comes in different areas. Anyone can write anything that comes out of his head. Whether a walk on a sunny day or a dip into California ’s wild waters, it serves as a diary and is readily updated. What’s good about blogging is that it is not bounded by editing and is cheap.

The commercial velocity of a blog depends on a writer’s instinct to create a worthy article. Either formative or informative, rational or irrational, for as long as the readers can visualize what the author has posted your blog’s a hit.

Technical specialties and skills, not necessary. Publishing freedom, an advantage. All that is needed is for you to have a witty mind, a desire to share ideas and part of your story, and a bit of knowledge to toggle into the internet. Grammatical errors are welcome. No editors and publishing companies to please. Journalism without rules or guidelines to follow and what’s best is that readers could post a comment or be inspired to write one too.

Blogging wouldn’t be difficult if you have the right recipes. Not just a simple-text article, a blog may be enhanced or converted into other types like an audio blog or a video blog. Nowadays, blogs are more sophisticated and advanced. Element of a blog starts from a good and captivating headline down to the author’s personal profile. Included herewith are the blog post, permalink (combined term for “permanent link”), and the reader’s comments.

A friend of mine is a blogger. She would entertain herself by posting blogs on her web page. She told me that blogging is an advantage for her to speak up to the world of the things that’s keeping her shut. And I quote, “I am an internet junkie. I am not a big fan of journalism or any kind of writing.

But it all changed when the blogging fever entered internet society. I appreciated it more when I felt everything that’s written are real and not just a compulsory decoy to deliver information. Right then, I became a part of a bigger picture.”

Trapped in a world of unwanted opinions, blogging is a benefit. But everything has its own consequences. Blogs are much harder to manage than that of the broadcast media. In politically sensitive issues, blogs can be considered as a political misfit. Results are triggered through suppression of bloggers and punishments were made. Another grave case is the issue of defamation and liability.

Nevertheless, blogging is still out there. So if you’re the type who has the snap for writing, give blogging a shot. You never know how much it would contribute to the society and to your pockets.

What is Blogging?
Useful tips for beginner bloggers

Aren't you getting used to all those blogs you found? Do you have trouble doing your own thing? It's natural for many people. Here are some useful tips on the effectiveness of blogs.

Tip 1  Has a headline

Make sure readers have an idea of what they are reading. Do not create an unnecessary comment or video blog. Emphasize their participation by posting opinions and comments. Think about what is interesting to read. Let readers be captivated; start with your title. Let it be a leading position. Motivate them by attracting their attention.

Tip 2  Creating paragraphs

Each blog is made up of a thought. This does not necessarily mean that you should imitate this thought by keeping an entire paragraph. Share your ideas. Cut it into pieces. Compose sub-ideas that support the overall picture. Don't make it difficult for your viewers to read a large stone. Divide them into balls.

Tip 3  Characterize

Insert a small parameter in your letter. Don't be so serious about your blog. Make sure that quality and lightness go hand in hand. Pretend you're talking to the whole world. Give your blog a little taste. Discuss. Let them react. Let her feel it. Add emotions and not just writing.

Tip 4  With time limit

Old news can be boring. Mix it with the new one. Update it. Or better yet, look at this. It is in the nature of humanity to seek something relevant, acceptable, contributing and above all something. Current topics always attract attention. So look at these research skills.

Tip 5  Installation

Yeah, you're a blogger. But that doesn't mean you're good at it. Before your readers even brag about the incompetence of their writing skills, block them. Install anti-spam software and tools to filter these comments and keep them moderate. Comments can be positive or negative. So be careful to accept the good and get rid of the bad.

Tip 6  Be realistic

Don't get lost with your contributions. A fundamental aspect of blogging is the contribution it would make to the media. Personal relationships must be established. Have a constant conversation. One way to do this is to remain true to each of your words. Swear it with a little finger. No one would believe it was a scam. Create significant value that will encourage your readers to come back to learn more.

Tip 7  Answer the question

Reply to your comments. Don't let it go unnoticed. When your reader asks you a question, be prepared to answer it. Silence is not an advantage in this type of industry. Pay attention to what people think and record their reactions. If they react, give a satisfactory answer. When criticism comes into play, be careful.

Tip 8  Advertising

If your blog goes unnoticed, it doesn't mean it's useless. At least you can satisfy your writing skills. But if you still don't have the attention of a reader, why not publish your blog? All you have to do is go to other sites and write a comment on their blogs and invite them to visit yours at the same time. It is an exchange process.

Blogs are new journalistic media that reflect an author's free will to publish. It's not just another stone in the wall. It definitely means something.

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